June 1, 2020
Open Up Puerto Rico – Exprésate Puertorriqueños
By: Diverse Elders

This article originally appeared on the SAGE website. To learn more about Open Up Puerto Rico, click here.

SAGE is proud to partner with the New York City Department for the Aging, Thrive NYC and our SAGE Puerto Rico affiliate at Waves Ahead in a public health campaign for Puerto Rican LGBT elders in New York City and Puerto Rico. The campaign seeks to provide help via SAGE’s National LGBT Elder Hotline in the U.S. and a telephone helpline in Puerto Rico run by SAGE Puerto Rico at Waves Ahead.

Los recientes desastres naturales y el COVID-19 han devastado a nuestra gente, dejando a muchos/as/es  de nosotros/as/es lidiando con la pérdida de empleos, hogares y seres queridos. Si estás luchando con la depresión, la ansiedad o pensamientos suicidas, NO ESTÁS SOLO/A/E.

Hablar es el primer paso para sentirse mejor.

Aquí hay algunos pasos que pueden ayudarte

  • Cuida tu salud comiendo sano y manteniéndote activo/a/e
  • Mantente conectado/a/e con familiares y amigos/as/es y exprésales tus sentimientos
  • Busca formas de hacer actividades que disfrutas de manera segura

INFORMACIÓN DE CONTACTO: info@sageusa.org  o 888-360-5428

— English — 

Recent natural disasters and COVID-19 have devastated our community and Puerto Rico – leaving many of us to deal with the loss of jobs, homes and loved ones. If you’re struggling with depression, anxiety or thoughts of suicide, YOU’RE NOT ALONE.

Talking about it is the first step in feeling better.

Here are some more steps that can help you cope

  • Stay connected with family and friends to talk about your feelings
  • Take care of your body by eating healthy and staying active
  • Find ways to do things you enjoy safely

CONTACT US AT: info@sageusa.org or 888-360-5428



The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Diverse Elders Coalition.